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Jed Bell

Assistant Principal

Visit the MCA Buccaneer Sports Page

MCA Sports

Physical Forms and Information


Please make the necessary appointments to get your DIAA physical completed and turned in to Milford High School, Milford Central Academy, or the school nurse's office. Any physical completed on or after April 1, 2023 will cover you for all of the 2023-2024 sport seasons! Please make it a priority to schedule and have your physical completed as soon as possible!

You MUST have a physical completed on the DIAA physical form, and must meet all state and federal eligibility requirements in order to try out, practice, or participate in athletics during the 2023-2024 school year.

DIAA Sports Physical and Consent Form

MCA Athletic Calendar

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Sunday, December 29
Monday, December 30
Tuesday, December 31
Wednesday, January 1
Thursday, January 2
Friday, January 3
Saturday, January 4
Sunday, January 5
Monday, January 6
Tuesday, January 7
Wednesday, January 8
Thursday, January 9
Friday, January 10
Saturday, January 11
Sunday, January 12
Monday, January 13
Tuesday, January 14
Wednesday, January 15
Basketball - Girls MA - Seaford MS (Home) Game
Milford Central Academy Gym
Wrestling MA - Seaford MS (Away) Game
Seaford MS
Basketball - Boys MA - Seaford MS (Home) Game
Milford Central Academy Gym
Thursday, January 16
Friday, January 17
Subscribe to Alerts Wrestling MA - Dover MS (Home) Game
Milford Central Academy Gym
Saturday, January 18
Sunday, January 19
Monday, January 20
Wednesday, January 22
Thursday, January 23
Friday, January 24
Saturday, January 25
Sunday, January 26
Monday, January 27
Subscribe to Alerts Basketball - Boys MA - Chipman MS (Home) Game
Milford Central Academy Gym
Subscribe to Alerts Basketball - Girls MA - Chipman MS (Home) Game
Milford Central Academy Gym
Tuesday, January 28
Wednesday, January 29
Thursday, January 30
Friday, January 31